We create our own reality… whatever we tell ourselves is our truth. The mind accepts as truth our critical statements, but will also accept our positive affirmations. Notice when you are being self-critical and immediately insert a positive affirmation to counteract the negative criticisms of ourselves, of others, and of life in general.
People will always have an idea about how you should live your life but your idea is the only one that matters. Spend time this weekend exploring your own ideas and reflecting on what YOU want from YOUR life.
“What people say about us is none of our business”. Reflect on this statement this week and consider how much time we waste worrying about what people think about us. Make a vow to try and step away from unnecessary thoughts.
Don’t believe in affirmations? Old, habitual, negative judgements are affirmations. They differ from positive affirmations because they make you feel bad. Use positive affirmations this weekend to replace unhelpful negative thoughts.
We can add stress to events and experiences by having dramas about them in our heads. The ‘drama’ adds unnecessary layers of stress and clogs our minds. You can choose to go through your week with or without the extra stress.
Meditate in nature this weekend. Spend some time listening to the sea, or the birds and bees, or the wind in the trees. Practice meditation of sound… you’ll like what you hear.
Awareness of our thoughts is the key, because once we begin to notice them we can then begin to challenge or distance ourselves from those thoughts and see the situation in a different and more helpful way.
This weekend spend a little time meditating… even ten minutes a day can, over time, help you to learn to distance yourself from your thoughts and quieten your mind. “A meditation a day helps the thoughts go away.”
Thoughts arise, abide, and pass naturally like clouds in the sky, if we let them do so. However, if we pay too much attention to our thoughts, we inadvertently cause them to hang around, and around, and around…
The only person who puts limits on your happiness is you… savour the happy moments this weekend, and allow them to blossom in your mind.